No conference call today, Monday March 31, 2014

No call will be held today.

However, I'd like to welcome a number of new people to the public mailing
list (hi!) and suggest some homework for those of us who normally attend
the call but now have a whole hour free to catch up on DPUB work.

1. Review and contribute Thierry's excellent table of W3C specs that are
relevant to publishing: [1]

This is one of our formal deliverables:

"A comprehensive and prioritized list of W3C specifications that are
important for the Digital Publishing industry but are still in an unstable
state at the W3C, as well as their current state in the process. The goal
of this deliverable is to help the Digital Publishing industry, as well as
the different specification and standardization activities within that
community, to be aware of the evolution of the W3C specifications, and to
possibly adapt their specifications accordingly."

Specifically we could use help locating "primer" links for each one: a
simple explanation of the purpose of the spec, aimed at _publishers_. If
such a thing doesn't exist, write one! This is a good opportunity to get
visibility for yourself or your organization as a knowledgeable author.

2. Review last week's minutes for corrections. [2]. (I think there's an
error; I suspect the wrong "Dave" is listed as "Dave Cramer.")

3. Share my call-to-action post [3] or the interest survey we've put up [4]
with colleagues.

4. Newbies, if there are major topics that you don't see coverage for on
the list of task forces [5], please start a thread on the mailing list
suggesting an area of interest. We're looking for current challenges facing
publishing on the open web today, that could potentially be resolved by W3C
standards (so, new markup, styling, or API support: see the charter [6]).
And welcome!

5. Lastly, if your organization is a W3C member and you're finding that you
just don't have the time to contribute (that's okay, we understand!), use
today to reach out to some coworkers who might be interested and able to








Other resources:

* Digital Publishing Interest Group home page

* Digital Publishing Interest Group Wiki

* Digital Publishing Interest Group Charter

* IG Task forces

Received on Monday, 31 March 2014 12:29:37 UTC