Re: FYI: "Test the Web Forward"



one minor (or not?) technical issue that came up at a discussion in Frankfurt is the 'driving' of the tests. I have not looked at the test suite right now, but I presume the tests are aimed at being run from a browser directly. That is of course fine for magazine and journal publishers, for example. But for book publishers (ie, readers) it may be a bit more complicated insofar as the natural 'environment' is an ebook reader rather than a browser, ie, what they consume is a book and not an html page. I am not sure what the smoothest way of interfacing the test suite would be then...

Something to discuss...


On Oct 31, 2013, at 11:24 , Robin Berjon <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> On 31/10/2013 09:47 , Ivan Herman wrote:
>> Not directly relevant to our IG's work, but I think it is a good tool
>> for the publishing community, too:
>> And we may want to contribute, too!
> TestTWF is a powerful way of advancing interoperability. I strongly recommend that the digital publishing community take an interest in it.
> This can happen in several ways. One is participating in the events and generally contributing tests to the areas in which there is a need. Another that we can think of would be to have a "themed" TestTWF event dedicated to the specific interoperability issues in digital publishing, trying to help work a way forward.
> One of the things that I appreciate most from TestTWF is its grassroots nature. You don't just meet the people who have the tool chains and know how to paper over interoperability issues, you meet the smaller shops, often freelancers, who have to face those problems on their own. It's a very refreshing perspective.
> -- 
> Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Ivan Herman, W3C 
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Thursday, 31 October 2013 10:33:31 UTC