[admin] Agenda - DAS Distributed Meeting 6 October 2016

Agenda - Device and Sensors (DAS) Distributed Meeting 6 October 2016, 10am ET (1 hour), logistics below

1) Welcome, scribe selection, agenda review, announcements

Updated minutes page, https://www.w3.org/2009/dap/minutes.html

Note - TPAC specific item at end of agenda.

2) Minutes approval

Approve F2F minutes from TPAC F2F, 19-20 Sept 2016



proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 19-20 Sept 2016 F2F are approved

Thanks to Anssi for chairing.

3) Update on WebIDL breakout (Tobie)


Any relevant items for DAS regarding WebIDL?

4)  Vibration

PER https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/PER-vibration-20160818/

comments until 18 Sept. Next step to REC?

5) Generic Sensor - Summary of long term vs short term issues/levels

Review next steps/plans for major issues and long term vs short term

- relationship to workers

- permissions (including workers)

- performance & scaling with # of sensors

- remote sensors

summary status of moving features from Level 2 to level 1 

remaining open issues?

6) Concrete Sensors

consistent spec naming (include 'concrete sensor'?)

other issues that apply to concrete sensors

7) Battery

Status re implementations


8) Ambient Light (concrete sensor)

next steps


9) Proximity


10) Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer (concrete sensor)




11) Wake Lock



11) Coordination with Other Groups

incubating a generic-sensor based geo API (noted during F2F) - next step?

coordinate with Web of Things CG/IG, review security/privacy practices?

12) Additional notes from TPAC

Additional TPAC follow-up?

13) Other Business

14) Adjourn

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch
Chair, W3C Devices and Sensors Working Group


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We will continue to use zakim to manage the queue (q+, q-, q? etc) but
it is not integrated with WebEx

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Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2016 00:05:26 UTC