[admin] CfC to publish W3C Notes for shelved items that had WD publications; deadline 29 October 2013.

This is a Call for Consensus to publish W3C Notes for the shelved DAP Working Drafts (as well as shelved Web Intents Task Force WDs):

The intent is to make clear in the published versions that these should not be referenced or used for implementation and to conclude work on these items. (That said, if the WG feels at some point that we wish to progress work in a Note to Recommendation we can still do so.)

Each of the following will be published as a W3C Note including a prominent notice:


The Device APIs Working Group is currently not pursuing the approach outlined in this draft, so it should be considered historical. Please treat this document with caution and do not reference it or use it as the basis for implementation. The domain covered by this document is still within the scope of the Working Group as defined in its Charter. The Working Group may pursue an alternative API design that is based on the current Web browser security model.


The links below are to the previous WD publications, each containing the shortname we would use for the Note publication.

(1) Calendar API, http://www.w3.org/TR/calendar-api/

(2) Messaging API, http://www.w3.org/TR/messaging-api/

(Introduction example in editors draft seems to need some work)

(3) System Information API, http://www.w3.org/TR/system-info-api/

(4) Pick Media Intent, http://www.w3.org/TR/gallery/

(5) Pick Contacts Intent, http://www.w3.org/TR/contacts-api/

(6) Web Intents Addendum - Local Services, http://www.w3.org/TR/webintents-local-services/

Although we've published "Web Intents" as a Note, we did not include the prominent notice so do you agree we should also publish this with the notice as well?

(7) Web Intents,  http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-web-intents-20130523/

(Personally I think text in the status section would suffice, but I believe the participants on the DAP call would prefer a notice similar to what we have in the shelved editors drafts, see http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/calendar/ for an example)

Please respond to this CfC if you do not agree with publishing all of these as W3C Notes with the warning notice (including Web Intents) ; if you agree a positive response would be helpful. Silence will be construed as agreement.

Please respond b 29 October 2013. 


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair XML Security WG

For tracker, close DAP-ACTION-669

Received on Monday, 14 October 2013 17:36:03 UTC