battery tests

I'm willing to help out with the battery tests.  I forked the 
web-platform-tests on github:

and cloned to my local environment.  Then I ran the battery tests by 
opening the html files directly on my desktop computer.  The result was 
just a basic html page telling me the preconditions to run the tests.

then i created a mobile app and copied all the files onto a physical 
device and i see the same.  Are their instructions on how to go about 
running these tests cases?  I did not see a readme on github. 

...looking forward to helping out....


Lisa Seacat DeLuca
Emerging Mobile Software Engineer - IBM Master Inventor
SWG Emerging Internet Standards

Phone: 1-410-332-2128 | Mobile: 1-415-787-4589
personal website:
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100 East Pratt St 21-2212
Baltimore, MD 21202-1009
United States

Received on Friday, 4 October 2013 19:44:44 UTC