Re: CfC to change Sensor approach, not progress current draft

On 21.3.2012, at 6.22, ext wrote:

> This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to formally discontinue work on the current Sensor API draft, to consider using WebIntents for sensor discovery, and to continue work on sensors in general, producing specifications specific to sensors as appropriate.


I agree with the concerns expressed at the F2F.

I'd also like to note that the current design seems to be rejected by the WebKit project:

... which implies the spec is not aligned with the DAP Charter:


APIs that cannot be demonstrated to be implementable securely within the default browser context will not be released.


Lastly, we should add a note of discontinuation (similar to shelved documents) at the top of the current Sensor API spec.


Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 06:32:12 UTC