Note on roaming in SysInfo


as per the discussion last week, here is a proposed note about roaming, to be inserted presumably at

The roaming flag is provided as a heuristic to help authors who wish to adapt their content to use less data in situations in which data access is expensive for the end user. Note however that it is an imperfect indicator in that either the user may not mind the price, or in some countries data roaming may be cheaper than data access in the user's home country. As such it should be used to prompt the user, or to default to a lighterweight version, while leaving the option of accessing the more data-intensive variant open.

As far as I can tell this describes the only use case for this flag. It is imperfect, but the perfect one (a "it's expensive flag") is subjective enough that it would require a complex UI to specify and would never get used. The questions are:

  - Is the use case important enough to keep it?
  - If so, is the above note the right one to guide authors?

This handles ACTION-177.

Robin Berjon -

Received on Monday, 31 May 2010 14:16:29 UTC