Re: New FileWriter proposal

Hi Eric,

thanks for picking up the ball on this! A few notes:

On Jan 29, 2010, at 22:17 , Eric Uhrhane wrote:
> I've just put it together here in plaintext form for now,
> but if people like the general gist of it, I'll put up an
> official-looking draft of it on and start rolling in feedback
> there.

Are you volunteering to be an editor for this specification? If so, that'd be great. We should chat offline about some small administrativia details.

> You can get a FileWriter through an HTML input element via user
> interaction; it's a "Save As" just like the current "Load" <input type=file>
> element.

Can you detail how you see this happening? Is it <input type=save>, <input type=file writable>, <input type=file>.files[42].save(), something else?

> We may want a bunch of ways to add data to a BlobBuilder, but this satisfies the
> immediate use case of writing text to a file.

I really wish we could make progress on writing binary :)

Otherwise, I like the rest, thanks again!

Robin Berjon
  robineko — hired gun, higher standards

Received on Wednesday, 3 February 2010 12:08:18 UTC