from October 2021 by subject

[ambient-light] Request for Ambient Light Sensor web developer feedback (#64)

[device-posture] Device Posture API to include "Semantic Postures"? (#94)

[device-posture] Heads up: refs to `pagevisibility` about to be removed (#95)

[deviceorientation] Use Permission Spec's PermissionState (#101)

[geolocation-api] Consider using DOMHighResTimestamp instead of DOMTimeStamp (#103)

[geolocation-api] Specify behavior for operating system permissions (#107)

[geolocation-api] Switch DOMTimeStamp to EpochTimeStamp (#104)

[geolocation-api] Switch to DOMTimeStamp to EpochTimeStamp (#104)

[geolocation-sensor] Barometer altitude (if the device has barometer) (#43)

[screen-wake-lock] Add a note about brightness (#329)

[screen-wake-lock] editorial: Readd text saying requests may be denied based on battery level (#328)

[screen-wake-lock] Need maximum screen brightness mode (#129)

[screen-wake-lock] WakeLock and Page Life Cycle (#139)

Closed: [device-posture] Device Posture API to include "Semantic Postures"? (#94)

Closed: [geolocation-api] Consider using DOMHighResTimestamp instead of DOMTimeStamp (#103)

Last message date: Friday, 29 October 2021 05:38:03 UTC