from September 2016 by subject

[accelerometer] Address DeviceOrientation issue #4

[accelerometer] API Name Objection

[accelerometer] Change reporting mode to "periodic"

[accelerometer] includeGravity parameter turns low-level sensor into high-level fused one.

[accelerometer] Integration in Permission API

[ambient-light] API Name Objection

[ambient-light] Security and Privacy considerations for ALS

[ambient-light] What illuminance value should be reported for stopped sensor?

[gyroscope] Address DeviceOrientation issue number 4

[gyroscope] API Name Objection

[gyroscope] Change reporting mode to "periodic"

[magnetometer] API Name Objection

[magnetometer] Change reporting mode to "periodic"

[magnetometer] Conformance Classes

[magnetometer] Should we expose heading?

[magnetometer] Why magneticFieldX instead of x?

[sensors] Add abstract operation for constructing a SensorReading for extension specs

[sensors] Add prose for on{error|change|statechange}

[sensors] API must allow Web devs to easily create fused sensors in JS with an API consistant with native sensors

[sensors] Clarify scope of generic sensor

[sensors] Constructing a SensorReading with SensorReadingInit is non-optional?

[sensors] default sensor check during sensor construction

[sensors] Default sensor configuration

[sensors] Does SensorReading always need a timeStamp ?

[sensors] Event object in error callback

[sensors] granularity of Permission name for concrete/ fusion sensors

[sensors] is doing weird things with frequency

[sensors] LaughometerSensor vs Laughometer?

[sensors] Naming of derivative sensors are very inconsistent

[sensors] Relation to Feature Policy

[sensors] Rename "auto" reporting mode to "undefined" or "implementation specific" reporting mode.

[sensors] SensorReadingEventInit's reading member needs to be required

[sensors] Should SensorReadingEvent carry reading payload?

[sensors] Should the enum SensorState have nosensor ?

[sensors] Simplify extension of the Permissions API for concrete sensor implementations

[sensors] Why was namespacing dropped?

[wake-lock] "System" wake lock use cases

[wake-lock] TAG feedback on wake-lock API

Closed: [accelerometer] API Name Objection

Closed: [accelerometer] Change reporting mode to "periodic"

Closed: [gyroscope] API Name Objection

Closed: [gyroscope] Change reporting mode to "periodic"

Closed: [magnetometer] API Name Objection

Closed: [magnetometer] Change reporting mode to "periodic"

Closed: [magnetometer] Conformance Classes

Closed: [magnetometer] Why magneticFieldX instead of x?

Closed: [sensors] Does SensorReading always need a timeStamp ?

Closed: [sensors] Event object in error callback

Closed: [sensors] LaughometerSensor vs Laughometer?

Closed: [sensors] Why was namespacing dropped?

Last message date: Wednesday, 28 September 2016 15:25:39 UTC