from December 2016 by subject

[ambient-light] Auto reporting mode is not defined

[html-media-capture] VideoFacingModeEnum as the capture attribute's value

[magnetometer] Local coordinates could use further detail/examples

[magnetometer] Shouldn't need Web Service to compute declination

[sensors] Add abstract operation for constructing a SensorReading

[sensors] Call 'onchange' only when data changes and considering frequency hint

[sensors] Don't allocate response objects to avoid triggering GC

[sensors] Need API to report platform accuracy changes

[sensors] SensorErrorEvent IDL doesn't match Blink

[sensors] SensorReading.timeStamp could be clarified

[sensors] SensorReadings must be immutable.

[sensors] Should SensorReading be a dictionary?

[wake-lock] Current API not friendly to components

[wake-lock] Review the Privacy & Security section

[wake-lock] Several defined terms are way too generic

[wake-lock] Spec update

[wake-lock] System lock should be specified

Closed: [sensors] Add abstract operation for constructing a SensorReading

Closed: [sensors] SensorErrorEvent IDL doesn't match Blink

Closed: [sensors] SensorReadings must be immutable.

Closed: [sensors] Should SensorReading be a dictionary?

Closed: [wake-lock] Current API not friendly to components

Closed: [wake-lock] Plans for v2

Closed: [wake-lock] Several defined terms are way too generic

Closed: [wake-lock] System lock should be specified

Last message date: Monday, 26 December 2016 19:39:22 UTC