submitted for your consideration ...logo

Hey folks...I whipped up this semi interesting logo for possible consideration for the group.
If you go to:
you can see it spin around in 3D (click the view 3D icon button)...and the reason I made everything overlap in that ugly way is that it is can send it
off to ShapeWays or other folks and have it made physically ;-)
I take no offense if you don't want to use could certainly be improved...but here it is ...Sandy

PS seriously if you don't want to use it that's fine...I do suggest we use this "tinkercad" system ( to make a logo though..and it is
also a declarative 3D system ;-)

Sandy Ressler
High Performance Computing and Visualization Group
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, STOP 8911
Gaithersburg MD, 20899
(301) 975-3549 Fax: (301) 975-3218

Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2012 19:12:39 UTC