metric spaces for storing and providing decision information

Hi all,

when looking for other related groups for exchange of ideas I found your Decisions and Decision-Making group.
Natural means for storing decision data are metric spaces. You can divide the dimensions of a metric space in three groups:

1. The dimensions which describe the past situation (in medicine: findings)
2. The dimensions which describe the decision (in medicine: chosen therapy)
3. The dimensions which describe the future situation (in medicine: outcome)

All elements of a metric space have a well defined distance for similarity search. By min-max conditions it is possible to select a (subgroup with a) certain past situation, modify the decision and look statistically for the future situation in dependence of the decision. An example for this is at the end of , more details explain chapter 8.10 and 8.11 of . If you are interested we can discuss details and you are invited to join
Comments and questions are welcome.

Thank you,

Wolfgang Orthuber

Received on Monday, 24 November 2014 13:56:02 UTC