Re: Time to take a leadership position on client-side APIs

Le mercredi 06 février 2008 à 16:35 +0000, Dave Raggett a écrit :
> There is huge potential for mobile web applications that can access 
> device capabilities from client-side scripts. There has been a lot 
> of work on J2ME APIs, but we lack standards for exposing local 
> device capabilities to applications running in web browsers. The 
> time has surely come for W3C to bring interested parties together to 
> work on fixing this as a matter of priority. [...]

FWIW, someone (Peter Cranstone) commented on your related blog entry -
I'm pasting it here in case this triggers further discussion:
> Everything you have outlined above can be done using nothing more than the current HTTP standard and a simple browser plug-in on the mobile device.
> We can show you everything you are talking about in your post right now running over current HTTP standards talking to standard Apache or IIS web servers.
> In addition our design allows for the consumers privacy to be maintained while keeping in place the current JavaScript sandbox - but yet allowing JavaScript to talk to the mobile device "IF" the consumer allows it.
> Our solution can do all of the following:
> # dynamic content adaptation on client
> #  checking battery level, signal strength
> #  controlling the display brightness
> #  turning the phone's vibrator on and off
> #  checking screen orientation and size
> #  checking available free memory
> # implementing location-based services
> #  interface to on-phone applications (PIM)
> including calendar and contacts
> #  allowing web page scripts to initiate phone calls


Received on Thursday, 7 February 2008 15:43:46 UTC