Comments on Device Description Repository Requirements 1.0

I have suggested that the TAG and DAWG look at this spec.

Glancing through
the following things occur to me.

A requirement:

a) 2.11.  Use-case 1. Utilization of device description information  
from the DDR

  The requirements don't say anything about cacheing.

    If really every single request for content from a phone goes  
through the flow show, the server will be under intolerable load and  
a complete bottleneck.  It is clearly necessary for the content  
provider, or an intermediate node, to keep a cache of previous  
requests. This requires the cache control facilities

and two informal thoughts:

b) An unwritten requirement is that new technology is not invented  
where existing technology exists.

(For example, HTTP caching provides the facilities necessary (proxy  
architecture, cache read-through, expiry time, etc) and do providing  
the DDR lookup over HTTP clearly allows the client architecture.   
SPARQL may provide a suitable protocol)

c) "The Device Vendor develops, manages (e.g. updates existing device  
profiles when devices are upgraded)". That's interesting.  I  
understood that in the past, device vendrors have nor always been  
forthcoming with such information.  Will the DDR only use vendor  
data, or possibly third party data?  Clearly vendor data makes more  
sense, so long as it is provided.  Presumably the DDR architecture is  
not affected by this choice.


Received on Thursday, 4 May 2006 01:20:33 UTC