Re: Suggested redesign of Operations section

On 9/28/2015 8:40, Arthur Ryman wrote:
> Holger,
> OK, let's establish some precise terms to help make the spec clear. We
> have been using the term "shapes graph" to refer to RDF merge of all
> the shape files/documents/graphs that contain relevant definitions,
> e.g. brought together by owl:import, etc.

To be clear: the shapes graph typically does not contain the data graph.

>   What do we call a SHACL file/document/graph?

Isn't this also the shapes graph then?

> btw, SHACL has Functions, Templates, inheritance, and other
> programming language features. The spec gives an execution semantics
> for SHACL documents. I think one could argue that is was a programming
> language.

The way that I see it is that SHACL can be used to declare data 
structures that can be used in different ways by different applications. 
Some applications may use shapes to build forms, others to build service 
input/output, others to test constraints, others for transformation 
tasks. It's just a data structure that can be queried, and we define the 
interpretation that these data structures should mean. If it were a 
programming language, then there would be exactly one way of using its 
code, i.e. by "executing" it.


Received on Sunday, 27 September 2015 22:46:47 UTC