Question about the behavior of property shapes


I'm looking over the property constraints and trying to understand the behavior if (a) there are not triples in the graph whose subject is the supplied focus node or (b) there are no triples in the graph with the propertyConstraint predicate.  I am not an expert in SPARQL, but it would appear that:

SELECT $this ($this AS ?subject) $predicate (?value AS ?object)
        $this $predicate ?value .
                GRAPH $shapesGraph {
                        $allowedValues (rdf:rest*)/rdf:first ?value .

Would pass (not return any triples) in either case.  Is this true, or am I just misreading the SPARQL?  If it is true, is this what is intended?

Harold Solbrig

Received on Thursday, 24 September 2015 16:56:06 UTC