Re: replacement for datatype restriction

I think we may be confusing Requirements with the details of the actual 
solution (to be done later in the process).

An alternative to splitting may be to leave it vague and add a sentence 
to enumerate some open questions that need to be addressed when the 
details are worked out. I am saying this because the same issue will 
come up in other places (enumerations being one of them, but also the 
details of :valueType and what kind of inheritance to use at property 
object types). Creating a new requirement for each design alternative 
would have us spend forever in the Requirements phase.


On 2/13/2015 6:35, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> +1 to the the split, and my votes are +1 and 0 respectively.
>> peter
>> PS:  A similar issue affects Property Value Enumerations.  For example, is
>> "01"^^xsd:integer valid when the enumeration is { "01"^^xsd:int }?  What
>> about for { "1"^^xsd:integer }?
> Does it make sense for this to be parallel?

Received on Thursday, 12 February 2015 22:43:25 UTC