Re: "shape" as a relationship, not a class


> there is zero practical difference between
> the following options:
>     ex:Class
>         a owl:Class ;
>         rdfs:subClassOf [
>             a owl:Restriction ;
>             owl:onProperty ex:property ;
>             owl:minCardinality 1 ;
>         ] .
>     ex:Class
>         a owl:Class ;
>         ldom:property [
>             a ldom:PropertyConstraint ;
>             ldom:predicate ex:property ;
>             ldom:minCount 1 ;
>         ] .
> Holger

  is it not the case that (1) *entails* that every instance of
ex:Class has at least one relation ex:property to some unidentified
object of any type, whereas (2) should be used to check those
instances of ex:Class have at least one ex:property to one concrete
object?  will the shape in (2) trivially validate on an OWL axiom in


Received on Monday, 9 February 2015 00:17:45 UTC