RE: Can Shapes always be Classes?


rdf:type triple is a triple with rdf:type as a predicate. I think this is
quite unambiguous and doesn't need additional definition. Where is the

RDF/XML serialization of such triple may look something like (from one of
the links you provided):

      rdf:type foaf:Person ;

or it may look like this in the abbreviated form:

<foaf:Person rdf:about="">

But why does it matter? In both cases, this is still the same triple with
rdf:type as a predicate. I am confused why are we talking about
serializations here?

For the purposes of our discussion, it also doesn't matter if the triple was
generated by inference or not, as long as it exists.


-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Coyle [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: Can Shapes always be Classes?

On 11/19/14 3:18 PM, Holger Knublauch wrote:
> I am not sure what point you are trying to make here. The above means 
> that the resource has rdf:type edm:WebResource.


Agreed that that's what it "means", but you keep saying: "rdf:type triples"
- which to me says:

A rdf:type B (in RDF/XML)
B a A  (in turtle)

If instead you instead mean "typed subjects", then that expands what I was
understanding. (But doesn't convince me that this is one-to-one with shapes
that need validation.)

So what I glean from this is that you are focused on types, except those
subjects typed by inferencing. Is that the case?

Perhaps we can then clarify exactly what falls under "rdf:type triples" 
-- and what doesn't. And whether untyped data, such as Dublin Core Elements
1.1 in RDF, has a fallback to rdf:Resource.


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Thursday, 20 November 2014 01:15:25 UTC