Re: Can Shapes always be Classes?

On 11/19/2014 19:32, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> You have proposed a template-driven form of SPIN that's similar to
> Resource Shapes. It still needs a name, perhaps "Template-SPIN"?
> Template-SPIN and ResourceShapes (and thus ShExC) both provide a
> simple languaeg with reduced expressivity for:
>    execution by less powerful engines
>    generating user interfaces
>    communicating with programmers
>    various governance tasks, etc.

Yes, but the difference is that Template-SPIN is backed by an 
infrastructure that makes it extensible, and everyone can add their own 
templates and thus define domain-specific languages. ShExC is limited to 
whatever patterns fit into the regular expressions paradigm. For 
anything more complex, users would need to write SPARQL, while that 
SPARQL can be abstracted away from the user with SPIN templates. ShExC 
is basically hard-coded, without a consistent extension mechanism.


Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2014 23:13:56 UTC