Re: Stand-alone Shapes and oslc:valueRange implemented in SPIN


Holger Knublauch <> wrote on 12/02/2014 08:21:50 PM:

> I wasn't exactly sure what oslc:valueShape was supposed to mean: Shall 
> all values of the property match the given shape, or shall only some 
> (i.e. at least one of them). In my current design (not yet published) I 
> am therefore distinguishing between two properties "all" and "some" 
> similar to how OWL does it with owl:allValuesFrom and 
> owl:someValuesFrom. I believe this covers most use cases, and for more 
> complex cases (qualified with "at least 2" etc), a fall-back could be to 

> use SPARQL directly.

All values must satisfy the shape pointed to by oslc:valueShape. OSLC has 
no way to specify that some values must satisfy the shape.

Received on Thursday, 4 December 2014 19:09:14 UTC