from March 2014 by thread

dap commit: update URL for requirement link, slight modification of link text to avoid exact title Mercurial notifier (Thursday, 27 March)

dap commit: create Note shelving publication draft as proposed on DAP list, update publication dates and status, update status of document, add link to use cases document Mercurial notifier (Thursday, 27 March)

dap commit: Shelving Note Mercurial notifier (Thursday, 27 March)

dap commit: remove extraCSS Mercurial notifier (Thursday, 27 March)

dap commit: Use https Mercurial notifier (Thursday, 27 March)

CVS 2011/webrtc/editor CVS User abergkvi (Friday, 21 March)

CVS 2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20140321 CVS User abergkvi (Friday, 21 March)

CVS 2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20140321/images CVS User abergkvi (Friday, 21 March)

CVS 2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20140321 CVS User abergkvi (Friday, 21 March)

CVS 2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20140321/images CVS User abergkvi (Friday, 21 March)

Last message date: Thursday, 27 March 2014 20:59:33 UTC