Re: n3 grammar : ambiguity for integer and decimal


You are right according to that is why Tim and Dan in 

I have this ambigous problems only because the parsing implementation I made whithout preprocessing.

Sorry to make a "bad spot"

Kind regards,
Luc Peuvrier
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Cc: DIG group ; ++jean marc vanel ; cwm talk ; ; Yosi Scharf ; Tim Berners-Lee 
  Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 6:33 PM
  Subject: Re: n3 grammar : ambiguity for integer and decimal


  > There is no problems with "@is", "@of", and "@a" 

  and I think that is why Tim and Dan in 
  say that 

  The grammar is written as without reference to the keywords system at all, 
  on the assumption that the string has been preprocessed by a keyword processor 
  to put a "@" on all keywords and a ":" on all qnames in the default namespace. 

  Kind regards,

  Jos De Roo | Agfa HealthCare
  Senior Researcher | HE/Advanced Clinical Applications Research
  T  +32 3444 7618

  Quadrat NV, Kortrijksesteenweg 157, 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium 

        "luc peuvrier at home" <> 
        Sent by: 
        02/21/2009 05:56 PM 
       To "Tim Berners-Lee" <>  
              cc Jos De Roo/AMDUS/AGFA@AGFA, "cwm talk" <>, "DIG group" <>, "Yosi Scharf" <>, "++jean marc vanel" <>  
              Subject Re: n3 grammar : ambiguity for integer and decimal 



  Thank you to take care of my spot. 
  An other ambiguity I discovered writing n3 parser that I did not mentionned is about "is" "of" and "a" keyword. 
  There is no problems with "@is", "@of", and "@a" since the @ make able to distinguish to a qname, it is not the case with "is" "of" and "a" keyword because it also match qname non terminal. 
  I have this since I have the following rules not in n3 grammar: 
  verb <- ( "is" | "@is" ) expression ( "of" | "@of" ) 
  for the entry  " :jmv is :guru of :luc ." 
  it match at the same time 
    subject propertylist 
    |       | 
    |       verb object objecttail propertylisttail 
    |       |    |      |          |
   |       |    |      void       void
  :jmv      is   :guru 
    subject propertylist 
    |       | 
    |       verb                  object objecttail propertylisttail 
    |       |                     |      |          | 
    |       "is" expression "of"  |      |          | 
    |       |    |          |     |      |          | 
  :jmv      is   :guru      of    :luc   void       void 
  so there is a shift/reduce conflict between 
  verb <- expression 
  verb <- is expression of 
  this can be solve saying qname can not have the value "is" "of" 
  Best regards 
  Luc Peuvrier 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tim Berners-Lee 
  To: luc peuvrier at home 
  Cc: cwm talk ; DIG group ; Yosi Scharf 
  Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 12:40 AM 
  Subject: Re: n3 grammar : ambiguity for integer and decimal 

  Luc, thanks for spotting that. 

  It seems to make sense.  I have checked it in as the new n3.n3 


  On 2009-02 -12, at 18:26, luc peuvrier at home wrote: 

  Looking for integer and decimal non terminal ( token ) definition on following n3 grammar specification: 
  The ebnf definition for integer and decimal are: 
  integer : [-+]?[0-9]+ 
  decimal : [-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9])? 
  There is an ambiguity since "123" ( for example ) match integer and decimal 
  I propose 
  decimal : [-+]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]* 
  Width the above definition "123" match only integer, "123." match decimal. This look like C and Java standard for numéric constants 
  Best regards 
  Luc Peuvrier 

Received on Saturday, 21 February 2009 18:44:55 UTC