Re: Recent changes to FuXi

Hey Jos.  thanks for the test run.  I forgot to update
I've done so now.  Let me know if the update doesn't allow that
particular test to pass

On Jun 29, 7:24 am, wrote:
> Hi Chime,
> The testrun is fine when skipping
>     'OWL/intersectionOf/Manifest001.rdf' ,#can't calculate identical class extensions


> As an aside, I also started rewriting our OWL rules as
> Coherent Logic rules to be used in our Skolem Euler Machine
> and it makes things much more straightforward to have
> existentials in the conclusion of rules which is a form of the
> more general case of disjunction in the conclusion of rules.
> That works pretty well and is performant as well :)

Do you skolemize each fired existential in a consequent?

-- Chimezie

Received on Sunday, 29 June 2008 23:17:44 UTC