N3 test suite

The N3 parser tests that are available online[1] appear to be a out of
date. Test :n3_10006 uses the manifest itself as input, but the
specified output document doesn't mentiond any of the test descriptions
that have been added later. Would it be possible to update the test
suite files?

While at it, the current test suite files appear to have been generated
while loading files from the local file system. The output documents
contain lots of "file:/home/syosi/cvs-trunk/WWW/..." URIs, which hinders
the use of the test suite over HTTP. Currently, I have to create the
appropriate base URI by concatenating "file:/home/syosi/cvs-trunk/WWW/"
with all but the first 18 characters of the HTTP-URL, which works but
isn't very nice.

Finally, the negative test case :n3_20000 is unusable over the net.
Input document for this test is a text file <tests-work.txt>, which
isn't publicly accessible (403 Forbidden).

Hope these issue can be solved,

Arjohn Kampman

[1] http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/test/n3parser.tests

Received on Wednesday, 25 January 2006 16:32:37 UTC