Re: owl inconsistencies


> Take the triples:
> (1)
> :x owl:oneOf (:a :b :c).
> :d a :x.
> This is a clear inconsistency and should be detected
> of course.

there is no "unique names assumption",
and it could be the case that
:d owl:sameAs :b.

a premise that we actually consider inconsistent is
?C owl:oneOf ?L. ?X a ?C. ?L :notItem ?X.

rdf:nil :notItem ?X.
{?S rdf:first ?A. ?A owl:differentFrom ?X. ?S rdf:rest ?B. ?B :notItem ?X}
=> {?S :notItem ?X}.

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Sunday, 21 March 2004 08:08:09 UTC