Re: CWM bugs list URL is 404


If you make up an alternative and email it to I am sure  
the system team will be able to do it. Could you do that, please?

I wonder whether we should

  (a) Switch to roundup  (like Tabulator original isues)
  (b) Switch to tracker (the W3C common tracker)
  (c) Do an issue-tracking pane in Tabulator (I discussed this with  
Oshani - could be fun - use the wiki)
  (d) Run the same old system from a chron job
  (e) None of the above


On 2008-01 -31, at 10:07, Yosi Scharf wrote:

> I agree. the real URI for the buglist is
> . It's updated  
> rarely
> (maybe I'll update it now). I've tried changing the autoreply before
> (even to get them to get rid of it) and failed. Tim, what would it  
> take
> to change that message to something nonfictional?
> Yosi
> On Thu, 2008-01-31 at 14:52 +0000, Booth, David (HP Software - Boston)
> wrote:
>> Here is the auto reply message I got upon emailing a bug report to
>>> From: W3C Postmaster []
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 9:49 AM
>>> To: Booth, David (HP Software - Boston)
>>> Subject: Auto: autoreply
>>> Thanks for the report.  Bug reports are generally examined and
>>> prioritized on a monthly basis, although faster response has been
>>> known to happen.
>>> Please see for the current
>> bug
>>> list.
>>> . . . .
>> But that URL is 404.
>> David Booth, Ph.D.
>> HP Software
>> +1 617 629 8881 office  |
>> Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not  
>> represent the official views of HP unless explicitly stated  
>> otherwise.

Received on Friday, 22 February 2008 04:23:12 UTC