Re: CWM installation

One thing occurs to me:
Did you have a previous code in 2000/10/swap?

If so, a cvs update may have updated files but not new subdirectories.
May need cvs update -d, or start with new clean checkout.

I'm using the current CVS at the moment.
Which root are  you using?
Could be some mirroring has broken, I suppose.


On 2007-09 -12, at 12:53, Govoni, Darren wrote:

> Hi,
>   It seems the installation for cwm doesn't work. I get various
> errors about missing files/directories, etc. I am using the 2000/10
> cvs drop. Can CWM be installed and used at all? If so, how? It looks
> interesting, but I cannot run it.
> thanks

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2007 21:09:20 UTC