Re: string escapes reverted on purpose? wrote:

>Sorry about the sloppy wording ...  I should have been more careful.
>I was mostly concerned about the keywords but the questions actually apply 
>to both 
>prefixes and keywords since as soon as you start combining things the same
>prefix might be used in two different senses.
>As far as I can see, n3.n3   tells you how to parse the file, and it says 
>that from a parsing 
>perspective the prefixes and keywords can appear in  all the positions I 
>mentioned, but it does not tell you anything about the scoping. 
>I suppose one can infer it by doing what cwm does, but I'd like to see the 
>explicitly stated somewhere ideally with a rationale.  That way it becomes 
>a conscious
>design decision.
The only ways I've understood to make sense are as follows:

@keywords can quite drastically change the meaning / parseability of a 
file. Statements like:

@keywords of . l @is-3of m .

are not even clear how to tokenize with and without keywords.  
Therefore, I think it makes sense to force @keywords into the header. Or 
even the top of the header:

@prefix : <me:you#> .
@keywords keywords, prefix .
prefix : <here:there#> .
keywords .
prefix keywords 3 .

The above is an evil file, and should be disallowed. Cwm right now has 
no problems with it.
However, I think that @prefix is a file processing detail about the 
meanings of certain tokens. It has nothing to do with formulae per se, 
so formula scoping makes little sense to me. To allow for redefinitions 
of prefixes / prefixes after the header I see little use for, besides 
maybe changing what namespace is barenamed, but I also don't see why it 
should be disallowed.


Received on Friday, 24 June 2005 01:21:55 UTC