Bug: w.r.t. bnode identification, in converting from n3 to RDF/XML?

Hello, in converting from n3 to RDF/XML, I get strange RDF/XML output
 when input has refrences to bnodes.

> cwm --revision
   cwm= $Revision: 1.156 $ llyn= $Revision: 1.110 $
> cat gomi.n3

_:foo   a       :bar.

:baz    :r      _:foo.

:qux    :r      _:foo.
> cwm gomi.n3 --rdf

<!-- Processed by Id: cwm.py,v 1.156 2004/07/06 18:04:18 syosi Exp -->
<!--     using base file:/cygdrive/c/home/gomi.n3-->

<rdf:RDF xmlns="file:/cygdrive/c/home/gomi.n3#"

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="#baz">
        <r rdf:nodeID="b1"/>

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="#qux">
        <r rdf:nodeID="b1"/>

    <bar rdf:about=".run-1096008813.3369999p3956#_g3">

In the example above, the bnode should be labelled with rdf:ID="b1", I 
(even better with rdf:ID="foo" and referred to with 'rdf:about="#foo"'s...)

If I misunderstand some specification or I'm using obsolete version, please 
forgive me.
(I used http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/cwm.tar.gz for installation)

Best regards,

Yoshio Fukushige
Yoshio Fukushige
W3C fellow at Keio
5322 Endo Fujisawa Kanagawa 252-8520
Tel. +81-466-49-1170
Fax. +81-466-49-1171

Received on Friday, 24 September 2004 07:12:23 UTC