[closed] Re: Recursion Error With @keywords this

Thanks. Fixed. This now generates an error.

The use of "this" is now disallowed  except as the subject of 
log:forAll or log:forSome.

I hope people haven't used it much.   I think this makes the N3 
language much more conventional, less weird for most people coming 
across it, and more easily translatable into other things.

Of course, I want to move toward removing "this" altogether, to just 
using @forAll and @forAome.

Note in the next version
	@prefix : <#>.
will be the default, too, to save typing.

Thanks for all the great one-liner test cases.


$ echo '@keywords this . this :a :Doc .' | cwm
#Processed by Id: cwm.py,v 1.145 2004/01/29 23:22:22 timbl Exp
         #    using base file:/devel/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/
ValueError: You cannot use 'this' except as subject of forAll or forSome

Received on Sunday, 29 February 2004 15:54:24 UTC