Re: CSV2RDF redraft

Gregg's example CSV is:


which becomes, without any further annotations available:

@prefix : <http://host/data.csv#> .
@prefix csv: <http://w3c/future-csv-vocab/> .

# Column information
    csv:column [ csv:colName "name" ;
                 csv:colPredicate :name ;
                 csv:colIndex 1 ] ;
    csv:column [ csv:colName "homepage" ;
                 csv:colPredicate :homepage ;
                 csv:colIndex 2 ] ;
    csv:column [ csv:colName "image" ;
                 csv:colPredicate :image ;
                 csv:colIndex 3 ] ;

# Data rows
[ csv:row 1 ;
    :name "Gregg Kellogg";
    :homepage "" ;
    :image ""
] .

and with annotations, saying "homepage" and "image" are datatype link:

[ csv:row 1 ;
     :name "Gregg Kellogg";
    :homepage <> ;
    :image    <>

and I think annotations that give URI templates are a small step forward 
and may be all we do for reconciliation.  YMMV.


Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2014 18:57:01 UTC