RE: CSV+ Direct Mapping use case

Hi - sorry David. We editors of the use case document have been working off the list on the csvw wiki <>. I'd forgotten about this one submitted via the list. I will review in detail tomorrow with an aspiration to include asap (or show how it overlaps).

Best regards, Jeremy

-----Original Message-----
From: David Booth [] 
Sent: 13 March 2014 19:22
Subject: CSV+ Direct Mapping use case

I notice that the working group is looking to publish the FPWD of the use cases document,
but AFAICT it does not include the CSV+ Direct Mapping use case that I submitted at
and further explained in

Has the CSV+ Direct Mapping use case been adequately covered by others? 
  If so, which one(s)?   There is no need to include it if other use 
cases already cover the same need, but I want to be sure that it is covered *somewhere*.


Received on Thursday, 13 March 2014 19:28:45 UTC