Re: Attempted example CSV metadata document and template

On 12 June 2014 12:57, Tandy, Jeremy <> wrote:
> All -
> I've just uploaded to [GitHub][1] a rework of the "Simple Weather Observation" example. I've tried to create a CSV metadata document following the rules in the [Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data][2] and [Generating RDF from Tabular Data on the Web][3] documents.
> I would be particularly interested in:
> - corrections to errors!
> - comments on additional proposed properties in the metadata document ("short-name", "template", "microsyntax")
> - use of "hasFormat" to specify the Content-Type associated with a Template
> - use of a REGEXP within a URI Template to convert ISO 8601 syntax to a simplified form

I don't completely understand this mechanism yet, but do you think it
could be stretched to address the SKOS/codes issue in
where we'd want to explode strings like "15-1199.00", "15-1199.01" and
emit triples like 'broader' when certain patterns matched?


> - thoughts about a way to describe that microsyntax format within the metadata document (see CellMicrosyntax requirement][4]), e.g. to define the sub-elements within the microsyntax that may be extracted for use later - see [Parsing cell microsyntax][5].
> Comments welcome.
> Jeremy
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> [4]:
> [5]:

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 11:46:28 UTC