Re: regrets for anticipated teleconf 11-Dec-2014 (tomorrow)


Following up on this: I agree that we shouldn’t kill ourselves trying to get this out before Xmas, but we should aim to publish very early in January.

Is the document at the one that you want published? If so, we will take a vote on it next week. If not, please could you update to the latest version.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ivan Herman <>
Reply: Ivan Herman <>>
Date: 10 December 2014 at 08:11:23
To: Jeremy Tandy <>>
Cc: W3C CSV on the Web Working Group <>>
Subject:  Re: regrets for anticipated teleconf 11-Dec-2014 (tomorrow)

> Jeremy et al,
> I try to put my staff-contact hat on...
> To get these documents published as FPWD, we need:
> 1. a formal vote of the WG to move ahead
> 2. a request from Ralph Swick to approve the publication, more exactly to approve the  
> 'short name' (that is necessary for a FPWD only, subsequent publications may skip this)  
> 3. get the document through the hurdles of the pubrules' checker, including installing  
> the document on the W3C site, get it through respec, etc.
> 4. get it on the calendar of the webmaster who would publish the document. This should  
> be done 1-2 days minimum before the targeted publication date
> Publications occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the last available date before XMas  
> is the 18th, ie, next week Thursday.
> I wonder whether it is worth the trouble to push this through in high speed, and whether  
> it is realistic. Even if we do #1 through email, that takes 1-2 days, we cannot expect people  
> to be on line all the time. Although part of #2-#4 can be done in parallel, those also take  
> time.
> So... I wonder whether it is not more realistic to aim at, say, #1 and #3 be done before Xmas,  
> maybe issue the request to Ralph (#2), but aim at a very early January publication. Actually,  
> the best would be if we could do that together with a republication of the metadata and  
> syntax documents, too (those two do not need #2, and even #1 is much looser).
> Ivan
> > On 09 Dec 2014, at 17:17 , Jeremy Tandy wrote:
> >
> > All - although I haven’t seen an agenda for a meeting tomorrow (11-Dec) I anticipate  
> that there will be one.
> >
> > Unfortunately I will not be able to participate due to other commitments.
> >
> > As of right now, I have done a significant edit on the JSON mapping document; I am working  
> in my local repo and will do a pull request soon (hopefully today) to get my changes in to  
> w3c/csvw:gh-pages. It may not be finished, but we’re getting there. I expect the RDF  
> mapping doc to be broadly similar. I have worked through all the issues, meeting minutes  
> and draft documents and have drafted what needs to go into both documents … it just needs  
> to be HTML-ified (and converted into ‘proper’ English with a logical structure!).
> >
> > I know that we’re still aiming for FPWD on these two docs _before Christmas_. The last  
> date is 19-Dec, so I would hope to have a vote next week (or by email correspondence) to  
> publish FPWD.
> >
> > There are a bunch of issues in the [GitHub repo][1] to discuss. But here’s a short list  
> of the ones that I’d really like some feedback on if you have time to discuss:
> >
> > - Are the abstract tabular data and the CSV that encodes it the same thing? [#93]
> > - Making `schema` property mandatory for table description objects & explicit identification  
> of schemas [#94]
> >
> > Many thanks, Jeremy
> >
> > [1]:
> >
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C
> Digital Publishing Activity Lead
> Home:
> mobile: +31-641044153

Jeni Tennison

Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2014 15:37:30 UTC