Re: Spec review request: CSV on the Web


Thank you for the editorial corrections, which have mostly been incorporated into

One exception is the comment on RTL, LTR and UTF. There are no occurrences of these that are not capitalized, except when they occur within code or filenames where they should be lowercase.

Also I have not changed comprise/comprising to comprize/comprizing - I hope that I’m correct not to do so.

Please confirm that you are happy with the corrections that have been made.


Jeni Tennison

On 8 June 2015 at 20:47:35, timeless ( wrote:
> 1. `i.e.` and `e.g.` should be written as such
> 2. please use en-us spellings (W3C's official language is en-us)
> (this means -ised -> -ized / -ising -> izing / -isation -> -ization /
> -iour -> -ior / ...)
> 3. RTL, LTR, UTF are better written in uppercase (to indicate that
> they're an abbreviation and not some random letters tossed into a
> document)
> > Fig. 1 Diagram showing the built-in datatypes, based on [xmlschema11-2]; names in  
> paranthesis [sic] denote aliases to the [xmlschema11-2] terms (see the diagram in SVG  
> or PNG formats)
> > Implementations MUST also recognise date, time, and date/time formats that end with  
> timezone markers consisting of between one and three xs or Xs, possibly after a single  
> space.
> It's better for spell checkers if `x`s and `X`s are written as such
> instead of as you've written them.
> (I haven't read your document, but says hello -- you're
> currently in a queue behind a very large ARIA doc.)

Received on Wednesday, 10 June 2015 12:10:32 UTC