Re: Endgame

Replying a year later (I know, I know), because Coralie Mercier is now 
asking what we should do.

As part of the W3C Headlights 2013 exercise [1] to set next major area 
of focus for W3C, I lead a task force (CG2WG) [2], chartered until July 
2013, to determine which Community Groups and Business Groups should 
transition their work to a W3C Working Group.

I need to answer questions like:
Is your Community Group or Business Group:
* Active and ongoing and nearing completion
* Inactive because it has completed its work
* Active and ongoing and far from completion
* Inactive because the original scope is no longer relevant or because 
the CG never got momentum

There should probably be an "all of the above" option, right?

Do we hope to transition this to a working group?  That would make me 
very happy (even without my participation), but I'm not sure if we're 

Please let me know your thoughts.


On 3/8/12 1:52 PM, Chris Lilley wrote:
> On Thursday, March 8, 2012, 11:46:01 AM, Robin wrote:
> RB> PS: what's our endgame with this? Do we want to refine the draft
> RB> and then throw it over to the CSS WG?
> These are several options.
> It could be argued to be in scope of the CSS WG or argued to be out
> of scope (I can do either, which would you like?)
> In the same way that not every specification that uses XML has to be
> published by the XML Core WG, not every specification that uses
> Selectors has to be published by CSS WG especially if, as here, no
> change is made to the Selectors spec.
> It could be published as a W3C Note, but then it wouldn't have the RF
> goodness and would not necessarily have demonstrated implementability
> or interop.
> It could be developed here and then a fast WG proposed, chartered to
> take the existing spec through LC and CR.
> It could be developed here and then the CSS WG rechartered to ad this
> explicitly in scope (and perhaps form a taskforce as a subgroup) to
> take the existing spec through LC and CR.
> It could be published as an Internet Draft and then taken through the
> IETF standards track as an RFC.
> In terms of speed, a new WG would be best and in terms of widest IPR
> coverage, a subgroup of CSS WG would be best.

Simon St.Laurent

Received on Thursday, 9 May 2013 13:05:32 UTC