reftest about t422-rgba-clip-outside-device-gamut-b.xht

Hey all,

I am a case developer. I want to add a reference file for t422-rgba-clip-outside-device-gamut-b.xht test (saved at csswg-test/css-color-3) which is used to check 'Test clipping of rgba() values outside the device gamut.'

Code of this case is as below:

 <p>Every row in this table should have both columns the same color:</p>

   <th style="background:white; color: black">Column 1</th>
   <th style="background:black; color: white">Column 2</th>
   <td style="background: rgba(-30, 500, -1, 0.6)">&nbsp;</td>
   <td style="background: rgb(102, 255, 102)">&nbsp;</td>
   <td style="background: rgba(-260, -254, 300, 0.4)">&nbsp;</td>
   <td style="background: rgb(153, 153, 255)">&nbsp;</td>
   <td style="background: rgba(-254, 256, 0, 0.6)">&nbsp;</td>
   <td style="background: rgb(102, 255, 102)">&nbsp;</td>
     ... ...

And I create a reference file like this:
    <p>Every row in this table should have both columns the same color:</p>

          <th style="background:white; color: black">Column 1</th>
          <th style="background:black; color: white">Column 2</th>
          <td colspan='2' style="background: rgb(102, 255, 102)">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan='2' style="background: rgb(153, 153, 255)">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan='2' style="background: rgb(102, 255, 102)">&nbsp;</td>
      ... ...

From another perspective, the refernce file just check  if the render result of rgba(-30, 500, -1, 0.6) is the same as rgb(102, 255, 102). So I am not sure if it is all right. Would you please share your opinion with me? Thanks so much.

Best Regards,

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2015 12:56:08 UTC