Test plan documents in the repo

Hey Peter,

My colleagues Mihai Balan and Mireal Budaes have recently been designated as the Test Coordinators for the CSS Regions and CSS Compositing & Blending specs, respectively.  I'll be fulfilling that role for the CSS Shapes spec.  As part of our process to ensure we're getting the proper test coverage, we'd like to publish test plan documents for these specs. Mihai and Mirela have already authored such docs and are each serving them from their individual github repos [1][2].  In an effort to make our testing strategy more transparent, we'd like to serve these documents from a more discoverable place that is closer to the tests (and specs).  Would it be ok to add them to the repo?  I'd propose a /test-plans  directory at the root of the repo with /spec-shortname subdirectories containing these documents.  Any objections?

Part 2 of this question – so they're easily viewable in the browser, is it ok if we create a gh-pages branch in github? (added benefit of making the tests' renderings viewable there as well)


[1] http://mibalan.github.io/css-regions-testing-strategy-proposal/
[2] http://mire.github.io/css-blending-test-plan-proposal/css-blending-test-plan-proposal.html

Received on Monday, 28 October 2013 19:07:29 UTC