Re: [RC6] rgb(50%, ..., ...) or rgb(..., 50%, ...) or rgb(..., ..., 50%): fractional value!

Ok, I've cleared up the issues with all of these tests. They're batched in
several checkins over the last few days: background-color[1],
border-left-color[2], border-right-color[3], border-top-color[4],
outline-color[5], color[6].

For the background-color tests, I added a second reference file for
049,054,070,075,090,095,110,115. These all use either 1% or 99% rgb()
values and now have pngs to match whether a UA rounds up or down.  For the
rest of the background-color tests in this batch
(052-53,073-74,093-94,113-14), I changed 50% to 40% to eliminate the
fractional colors.

For tests 049,052-54,073-75,093-95,113-15 in the
border-left/right/top/bottom-/outline-/color tests, I converted to
reftests using background-color in the reference elements and ref files.

Lastly, I updated color-002-145 to remove the pngs from the reference
elements to use background-color instead[7]. With the exception of those
that I converted to reftests in this suite mentioned above, I kept ref
files using pngs. 

One other notable change that I made to all of the files was based on a
discovery from running these in mozilla's and webkit's automated
harnesses. I changed the size of the font & img/div elements from 1in to
100px. Using 1in was causing some fuzzing around the edges and none of
these tests were pixel perfect. Changing to 100px fixed the problem.

I've removed the 'Needs Work' flag from all of these in Shepherd and these
are all in either Resubmitted for Review or Accepted status.

Please let me know if there are any issues with these changes.



Received on Thursday, 10 January 2013 20:24:54 UTC