Re: CSS3:Text Decoration Module text-underline-position test suites

Le Ven 8 février 2013 11:20, Takanori Kawabata a écrit :
> Hello.
> I made ​​a test of the property "text-underline-position" of "Text
> Decoration Module". And I would like to contribute these tests.
> I've attached ten xht file. Horizontal is 001. Vertical is 002.
> Could you review it or give me some comments?
> Sincerely.


Here are some quick and preliminary comments on 1 of your tests.


line 4: <title>CSS Selectors Test: text-underline-position - all</title>

For specifications other than CSS 2.1, you can include the module name
somewhere before the colon, like “CSS Selectors Test:” or “CSS Test
(Selectors):”. Do not include the module version number, since the test
might get reused for the next version.

So, here

<title>CSS Text Decoration Test: text-underline-position - all</title>

is correct.

line 6:
<link rel="help" title="CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3: 2.6. Text
Underline Position: the ‘text-underline-position’ property"

<link rel="help" title="2.6. Text Underline Position: the
'text-underline-position' property"
is okay

line 7:
<link rel="match" href="reftest/text-underline-position-all-001-ref.xht"/>

I can not examine reftest/text-underline-position-all-001-ref.xht . I
believe text-decoration tests can not be created with another method;
there is no specification on the exact position of text-decoration-line:
"Each line of text is underlined."
does not specify how exactly...

the underline is positioned relative to the under edge of the element's
content box. In this case the underline usually does not cross the

"usually" could mean "should" as recommended.

There is no mention of the exact position of text-decoration: underline at

I think your test is assuming that underline should be immediately below
the 'p' glyph but this is not a definite certitude. So, right here, I'm
not sure. I could be wrong.

For whatever it's worth, when I toggle text-decoration: underline on and
off, I see no rendering difference in Firefox 18.0.2, in Opera 12.14 and
in Chrome 24.0.1312.69; so, I believe now that the underline is not
positioned below the 'p' glyph but rather it crosses the 'p' descender.

I'll try to run ttf-dump.exe later to get all the font metrics of Ahem
and see if maybe underline and overline relative positions are given.

line 9:
<meta name="assert" content="This property sets the position of an
underline specified on the same element: it does not affect underlines
specified by ancestor elements. " />

The ancestor element of the tested div#test is div.container and it
contains no glyphs. So, the test is not specifically testing that.

line 42:
Test passes if the underline position of first sentence matches the
second one.

Ideally, the pass-fail conditions sentence should be clear and
understandable by anyone/everyone. Personally, I do not and can not see
an underline in this test.

So, here, maybe just say:
Test passes if there are 2 <strong>identical</strong> blue irregular
If you remove the 'p' glyph, then
Test passes if the 2 blue stripes have the <strong>same size</strong>.

Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite:

CSS 2.1 Test suite RC6, March 23rd 2011:

CSS 2.1 test suite harness:

Contributing to to CSS 2.1 test suite:

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 00:17:27 UTC