Re: [css3-multicol] Review of multicol-collapsing-001

Hello Gerard,

 > Hello,
 > In the test, column-gap is not declared and the spec grants UAs latitude
 > on how wide the column-gap can be. Now, after checking the test and the
 > reftest, it's clear that the column-gap should be set to 1em and should
 > not be 0em: 8em (width) - 2em (column-gaps) is dividable by 3
 > (column-count). The yellow background color shines through the 2
 > column-gaps.
 > Proposed replacement:
 > ----------
 > The reftest is not best, not reliable (although it looks correct to me).
 > I can see different renderings among browsers. The reftest should be
 > using another feature (not a multi-column) to render the reference file.
 > Proposed replacement:
 > (filename has "-001" appended)

Looks good. Submitted.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 5 August 2013 17:39:03 UTC