CSS 2.1 Test Suite v2.0

Hi all,

A few of us met recently to discuss a delivering an 2.0 version of the CSS 2.1 Test suite to include all that has been added, reviewed, and changed since the last official 1.0 release [1]. Since a number of the tests in suite currently require attention, we agreed that all tests that produce incorrect results must be fixed for the 2.0 release. Such tests are in Shepherd with the NeedsWork status and have a whiteboard field of either "Precision" or "Incorrect."  Tests in the NeedsWork state with some other reason given in the whiteboard field are not required for the release and are considered "nice to have" (and therefore, lower priority). The other criteria for the release is that all tests that have been Rejected should either be Retracted or rewritten.

The CSS 2.1 Test Suite wiki has been updated with this information and a few child pages added for each of these categories of tests [2].  Many of the tests already have proposed changes and simply need someone to review and submit the change.  For convenience, the tests with proposed changes are identified on the wiki, which will be updated periodically until the release. Of course, the most current info can always be found in Shepherd.

If anyone has any spare time and would like to contribute, this would be a great place to pitch in!  If there are questions about modifying tests authored by someone else, we've also provided guidelines for updating tests [3].


[1] http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/
[2] http://wiki.csswg.org/test/css2.1
[3] http://wiki.csswg.org/test/css2.1/update-guidelines

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2012 23:50:37 UTC