Re: Corrections to the Implemention Reports

On 10/28/10 11:37 AM, Simon Fraser wrote:
> What I recall from CSS-WG minutes is that the implementation report can be generated with a public beta or nightly build, but that build has to have been available to the public for a minimum of one month.

I have to be missing something.  If I push a change to Gecko, we 
generate a nightly with that change, we discover the change breaks sites 
and I back it out, then I wait a month I can use that known-broken build 
to generate an implementation report?

I can _almost_ see the point of allowing betas, since that allows us to 
try to generate implementation reports now that will hopefully match 
shipping browsers by the time the test suite is stabilized.  Even that's 
a bit fishy, given the amount of churn I've seen between beta and final. 
  But the nightly thing just doesn't make any sense, unless I'm missing 


Received on Thursday, 28 October 2010 15:48:30 UTC