Re: 2 slightly incorrect cases

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 9:10 AM, Arron Eicholz
<> wrote:
> after-content-display-015 & before-content-display-015, both of these cases
> have the same exact issue in them. These cases incorrectly assume that
> table-captions will expand to max-content width. However without a table or
> width definition the table-caption shrinks to min-content width thus
> wrapping the text.
> Suggestion would be to make the ‘Filler Text’ one word or add a non-breaking
> space between the ‘Filler Text’.

Agreed.  I marked Chrome as failing those tests because "Filler Text"
broke across two lines.


Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 16:19:10 UTC