Re: [CSS 2.1] WD 07 Dec. 2010: section 15.3 on unquoted font family names with sequences of white spaces

On 12/08/2010 12:27 PM, "Gérard Talbot" wrote:
> Hello,
> The sentence which used to say
> "
> If quoting is omitted, any white space characters before and after the
> font name are ignored and any sequence of white space characters inside
> the font name is converted to a single space.
> "
> has been removed in latest WD. Why?
> I sincerly believe it should remain, be kept as it was.
> Right now, the latest WD emphasizes quoting font-family names with special
> characters (punctuation, white spaces) and/or with reserved words. But it
> does not state (as it previous version) how to deal, how to parse font
> name with sequences of white spaces before and/or inside and/or after font
> family names.
> There are testcases [see 1] in current version of CSS 2.1 test suite which
> were putting to test (mettre à l'épreuve) the beforementioned quote.

The testcase are still valid -- the sentence you quote has been replaced by

# If a sequence of identifiers is given as a font family name, the computed
# value is the name converted to a string by joining all the identifiers in
# the sequence by single spaces.


Received on Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:32:46 UTC