t1605-c545-txttrans-00-b-ag.htm: background image is inaccurate


The test case background image is currently off by a few pixels.

These are the characters in question: (é.é. Does 'text-transform: capitalize' change the case of the 'é'?

According the Unicode 5.1.0 standard UAX#29 [1] the word boundary rules that apply in this case are as follows:

The first part (é falls into the WB14 rule and is considered an Any ÷ Any case. In this case the é will be capitalized. This is because the parentheses do not fall into any of the other rules.

The second part .é falls into the WB7 rule. Because the first é and the .é are adjoining and in this case we do not break the word so we cannot capitalize the second é.

The test case is currently invalid. The background image needs to be updated to properly match the described spec behavior.

[1] http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/tr29-13.html#Word_Boundaries

Arron Eicholz

Received on Saturday, 28 February 2009 02:26:24 UTC