Re: Print Tests

Tom Clancy wrote:
> Attached please find 8 tests for CSS3 print conformance.


   - Add an assertion about 'em's being relative to the page context's font,
     like you did with the margin property test.
   - Say 1in-thick rather than just 1in, otherwise it's not clear which dimension
     should be 1in.
   - Also I'd recommend using 1/2 in rather than 1in, since it works better on
     smaller paper sizes.

margin-boxes-000.xht, margin-boxes-001.xht

   - Add an explanation of "portrait" and "landscape" to the instructions like
     you did here:
   - Shorten the generated content. "Top" is enough for the top: "Print Test Case"
     is not adding anything here and distracts from the rest of the test.
   - Replace "the content" with "this paragraph" so it's clear what content we're
     talking about (i.e. not any of the margin box content).


Received on Saturday, 28 June 2008 19:18:18 UTC