csswg/css3-images Overview.html,1.303,1.304 Overview.src.html,1.313,1.314

Update of /sources/public/csswg/css3-images
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv7234

Modified Files:
	Overview.html Overview.src.html 
Log Message:
Re-tighten what can be used in image() to be just urls and element().

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/csswg/css3-images/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.303
retrieving revision 1.304
diff -u -d -r1.303 -r1.304
--- Overview.html	28 Feb 2012 20:32:11 -0000	1.303
+++ Overview.html	28 Feb 2012 20:53:38 -0000	1.304
@@ -530,12 +530,12 @@
    that type of image, the URL must be treated as representing an <a
    href="#invalid-image"><i>invalid image</i></a>.
-  <p>Multiple arguments can be given separated by commas, in which case the
-   function represents the first &lsquo;<a href="#image-type"><code
-   class=css>&lt;image></code></a>&rsquo; that's not an <a
-   href="#invalid-image"><i>invalid image</i></a>. The final argument can
-   specify a &lsquo;<code class=css>&lt;color></code>&rsquo; to serve as an
-   ultimate fallback; this can be used, e.g. for &lsquo;<code
+  <p>Multiple &lsquo;<a href="#image-decl-type"><code
+   class=css>&lt;image-decl>s</code></a>&rsquo; can be given separated by
+   commas, in which case the function represents the first image that's not
+   an <a href="#invalid-image"><i>invalid image</i></a>. The final argument
+   can specify a &lsquo;<code class=css>&lt;color></code>&rsquo; to serve as
+   an ultimate fallback; this can be used, e.g. for &lsquo;<code
    class=property>background-image</code>&rsquo;, to ensure adequate contrast
    if none of the preceding &lsquo;<a href="#image-decl-type"><code
    class=css>&lt;image-decl>s</code></a>&rsquo; can be used. If the final

Index: Overview.src.html
RCS file: /sources/public/csswg/css3-images/Overview.src.html,v
retrieving revision 1.313
retrieving revision 1.314
diff -u -d -r1.313 -r1.314
--- Overview.src.html	28 Feb 2012 20:32:11 -0000	1.313
+++ Overview.src.html	28 Feb 2012 20:53:38 -0000	1.314
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
 	<p>If a URL uses a fragment identifier syntax that the implementation does not understand, or which the implementation does not consider valid for that type of image, the URL must be treated as representing an <i>invalid image</i>.</p>
-	<p>Multiple arguments can be given separated by commas, in which case the function represents the first ''&lt;image>'' that's not an <i>invalid image</i>.  The final argument can specify a ''&lt;color>'' to serve as an ultimate fallback; this can be used, e.g. for 'background-image', to ensure adequate contrast if none of the preceding ''&lt;image-decl>s'' can be used. If the final argument is a ''&lt;color>'', it represents a solid-color image of the given color with no <i>intrinsic dimensions</i>.  If all of the provided ''&lt;image-decl>s'' are <i>invalid images</i> and a fallback color was not provided as the last argument, the entire ''image()'' function must be treated as an <i>invalid image</i>.
+	<p>Multiple ''&lt;image-decl>s'' can be given separated by commas, in which case the function represents the first image that's not an <i>invalid image</i>.  The final argument can specify a ''&lt;color>'' to serve as an ultimate fallback; this can be used, e.g. for 'background-image', to ensure adequate contrast if none of the preceding ''&lt;image-decl>s'' can be used. If the final argument is a ''&lt;color>'', it represents a solid-color image of the given color with no <i>intrinsic dimensions</i>.  If all of the provided ''&lt;image-decl>s'' are <i>invalid images</i> and a fallback color was not provided as the last argument, the entire ''image()'' function must be treated as an <i>invalid image</i>.
 	<div class="example">
 		<p>The rule below would tell the UA to load ''wavy.svg'' if it can; failing that to load ''wavy.png''; failing that to display ''wavy.gif''.  For example, the browser might not understand how to render SVG images, and the PNG may be temporarily 404 (returning an HTML 404 page, which the browser can't decode as an image) due to a server move, so the GIF is used until one of the previous problems corrects itself.</p>

Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2012 20:53:42 UTC